Here you can see the first 5 Video Lessons for free and previews for the rest of them.
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Lesson 1: short “a” words ending with “ad”
Lesson 2: short “a” words ending with “ag”
Lesson 3: short “a” words ending with “ab”
Lesson 4: short “a” words ending with “am”
Lesson 5: short “a” words ending with “an”
Lesson 6: short “a” words ending with “ap”
Lesson 7: short “a” words ending with “at” and “ax”
Lesson 8: short “e” words
Lesson 9: more short “e” words
Lesson 10: short “i” words
Lesson 11: more short “i” words
Lesson 12: short “o” words
Lesson 13: more short “o” words
Lesson 16: short vowel words starting with “ch”
Lesson 15: reviewing short vowel CVC words
Lesson 14: short “u” words
Lesson 17: short vowel words ending with “ch”
Lesson 18: short vowel words starting with “sh”
Lesson 19: short vowel words ending with “sh”
Lesson 20: short vowel words with the two sounds of “th”
Lesson 22: short vowel words with “ft” / adding “er” to words
Lesson 21: short vowel words with “wh”
Lesson 24: short vowel words with “nd”
Lesson 23: short vowel words with “mp” / adding “s” and “er” to words
Lesson 25: short vowel words with “nt”
Lesson 26: short vowel words with “nk”
Lesson 27: short vowel words starting with “br”
Lesson 28: short vowel words starting with “bl”
Lesson 29: short vowel words with “cl” and “cr”
Lesson 30: short vowel words with “fl” and “fr”
Lesson 31: “gl” and “gr” words / long “a” words with silent “e”
Lesson 32: “pl” and “pr” words / long “i” words with silent “e”
Lesson 33: “sl” and “sp” words / Long “o” words with silent “e”
Lesson 33: “sl” and “sp” words / Long “o” words with silent “e”
Lesson 35: “dr” and “tr” words / Long “a” words spelled “ay”
Lesson 36: words containing “sk” / long “a” words spelled “ai”
Lesson 37: “ck” and “sw” words / long “e” words spelled “ee”
Lesson 38: long “e” words spelled with “ee” and “ea”
Lesson 39: long “e” words with “y” / words ending with “ang” and “ung”
Lesson 40: long “i” words spelled with “ie” and “y”
Lesson 41: long “e” and “i” words spelled with “ie” and “y”
Lesson 42: long “o” words spelled with “oa” and “ow”
Lesson 43: words containing “ew” / the two sounds of “g”
Lesson 44: words containing “ue” and “oo” / words ending with “ing” and “ong”
Lesson 45: the two sounds of “c” / more “oo” words
Lesson 46: words containing “ou” and “ow”
Lesson 48: contractions containing “n’t” / words with “oy” and “oi” / long “o” words with silent “e”
Lesson 47: the two sounds of “ow” / apostrophe “s” shows ownership / long “i” words with silent “e”
Lesson 49: words containing “er,” “ir, “ur” / long “u” words with silent “e”
Lesson 51: words with “tion” / long “e” words with the “ee,” “ea” and “y” spelling
Lesson 50: words with “ph” / long “a” words with “ay” and “ai” spelling
Lesson 52: words containing “or” / words with the prefix “un”
Lesson 53: words containing “ar” / adding the suffix “ed” to words
Lesson 54: adding plural “s” and “ing” to words / reviewing long “i” words spelled with “ie” and “y”
Lesson 56: words with “alk”/using apostrophe “s” to show ownership / reviewing words with “ou” and “ow”
Lesson 55: Words With “qu” / apostrophe “s” contractions / Long “o” words with the “oa” and “ow” spelling
Lesson 57: words with double consonants / the two sounds of “y”
Lesson 58: adding “er” and “est” to root words / sentence punctuation / long “u” words with silent “e,” “ue” and “ew” / reviewing “oo”
Lesson 59: reviewing “ch, “ “sh,” and “th” sounds / words containing “oy” and “oi”
Lesson 60: words with “ight” / reviewing “ow” words / adding the suffix “ly” to words